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Iris Colomb

Iris Colomb‘s practice explores different relationships between visual and spoken forms of text through projects often involving experimental translation and poetic book-objects. She has given individual, collaborative and interactive performances across the UK, as well as in Austria, Romania, and France. Iris’ pamphlet ‘I'm Shocked’ come out with Bad Betty Press in 2018, her chapbook ‘just promise you won’t write’ was published by Gang Press in 2019, and her artist books have been collected by the National Poetry Library as well as Chelsea College of Art’s Special Collection. Her poems have also appeared in magazines such as Para·text, Poetry Wales, Tentacular and Datableed, as well as in a number of UK anthologies. Iris is Co-Editor of HVTN Press, where she just launched an artist-book imprint called ‘Interruptions’, and a founding member of the interdisciplinary collective 'No Such Thing'.



before you start

switch off the main power

isolate the circuit

remove the circuit fuse

and put it in your pocket

the fix takes only a minute

switch off the breaker

and lock it if you can

to avoid accidental replacement

check the circuit is dead

before you start

you won't be able to tell

from the design of the rose

instead you'll need to count

the cables entering

the fix takes only a minute

as long as you can get

to the void from above

you can move a light

to wherever you need it

the fix takes only a minute

get a socket tester

to check all finished work

to confirm whether circuits

are dead and safe to work on

before you start

if in any doubt

avoid accidental replacement

your first task is to find

what circuit type you have

before you start

as long as you can get

to check all finished work

instead you’ll need to count

from the design of the rose

the fix takes only a minute

to confirm whether circuits

remove the circuit fuse

isolate the circuit

check the circuit is dead

before you start

if in any doubt

and lock it if you can

instead you’ll need to count

and put it in your pocket

the fix takes only a — Shu

as long as you can get

from the design of the rose

to the void from above

you won’t be able to tell

before you start


with power switched off

and breaker removed

Chute — comment

instead you'll need to

count the cables entering

before you start

if in any doubt

Casse — comment

or wherever required

Casse — comment identifier

remove the power

lock it if you can

the fix takes only a minute

you can move a light

Fuite — comment localiser

to the void from above

Chute — comment rassembler

Suspension/ Piège

the fix takes only a

Tension — comment protéger

Suspension — comment prévenir

Resistance — comment résoudre

if in any doubt

Défaillance / Fracture

put it in your pocket

before you

Différence — comment vérifier

Déficience — comment déjouer

Défaillance — comment agir

Confusion / Obsolescence / Piège

instead you'll need to count

the fix takes

Faiblesse — comment controller

Confusion — comment isoler

Obsolescence — comment réagir

Rupture / Fracture / Casse / Eclat

you won’t be able to tell


Piège — comment résister

Rupture — comment remplacer

Fracture — comment combler

as long as you can move

Fuite — comment comprendre

Isolation / Piège

the fix takes only a

Eclat — comment trouver


This poem was first published as a recorded piece in Datableed issue #7, sound recording and design by Andrey Novikov.


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