Cassidy McFadzean studied poetry at the Iowa Writers' Workshop and fiction at Brooklyn College. She is the author of two books of poetry, with her third Crying Dress forthcoming from House of Anansi in 2024. Her chapbook Third State of Being (Gaspereau Press) is a finalist for the 2023 bpNichol Chapbook Award.
Cold air cured my melancholia I keep losing bobby pins down the drain I run back to the apartment to clip barrettes in my hair Botero’s adult babies Sucking all the air / heir / err
An elephant in the room is something one can only feel I spend my days pacing the parquet floor
To really understand you
I need to read Junkspace
Affectation, corruption: A flower held and seen Michaelangelo buried his own forgeries Sleeping Cupid in the vineyard The twisting limbs of Laöcoon Wing-deep in the Winter Palace Painting our Trompe-l’œil’s room within a room within a room
