Safaa Fathy was born in Egypt. She is a poet, essay writer and filmmaker. Her plays Terror and Ordeal were prefaced by Jacques Derrida, with whom she signed a book, Tourner les mots (partly translated into English by Max Cavitch, University of Pennsylvania). Her book of poetry Revolution Goes Through Walls (SplitLevel Texts) was first published in Egypt, then in France and in Brazil. Safaa Fathy’s experimental book of poems entitled Al Haschische is forthcoming at Pamenar Press (London). She also experiments with the visual texture of poems in filmic forms. She participated in the Poetry Project with a short piece entitled I would like to say. Safaa Fathy’s Name to the Sea, a film poem structured within a still frame, is being published along with the text in seven languages (Vanilla planifolia, Mexico City).
North Seeking
-Why do the refugees north-seeking vessels cross over the unwanted oscillation damping the unsolicited 15° sine Azimuth?
-Did the speed error of my walk towards the unknown disturb the family drift?
-How did the Earth’s spinning motion interfere with the hour that effaced my sister?
-In what way did the damping in tilt quiver at the 4° East latitude while sailing on the voices of my beloved?
-Where did the vessel drifting in degrees per hour on the SolAris Ocean maintain its axis? Was it above or below the horizon? Was it above or below me?
-What is your name?
-Is it true that we are all aware of the forces of gravity towards PolAris? Or else, the compact terminus whirls our souls in a gyre?
-Why is it that my back teeth tilted forward in one single night instead of a lifetime and left me seafaring on Zeit tent?
-How forlorn is your home? Have you been always South seeking?
-How are you?
-Are you sure France tilted her democratic veil on the 21st of November 2020?
- Does Tiptoe originate from tyltlan or from tilte that unsteady cognition with a tölt, or am I missing the ambling place that Iceland hosts?
- In what way was the Revolution offset slightly to the east of vertical at large?
- Why is the error westward on all Northerly courses and vice-versa, or am I drifting on the Counter Revolution NIHILIS?
-How is Nabil?
-What do you buy with money on a damping oscillation?
- Was he shot in Mohmmad Mahmoud Street?
-Why do you pick one and why do you always rate?
-Why do you rate?
- Whom did you see in exactly E-W courses? Was the error nil?
-Whose error is it?
-How old is sailing and how old is drowning, how to be safe?
-Is the delta T heading or am I thinking that the Nile Delta will be drowned?
-Who is 6 degrees free in motion? Is it YOU?
-Are you confusing me?
-How many twigs are growing in my chest?
-Why do husbands tilt?
- What? What did you say?
-What is the rate of drift of your tragedy per hour?
-Why does France tilt towards military intervention in Africa?
-When did he walk the plank? Was he flatfooted?
-Why is it useful to be born?
-Where is your prep school?
-In which village did they excise you?
-When did you learn to swim? Did you drift in degrees per hour?
-Did you ever need to achieve damping in tilt?
-Did you ever swirl?
-Through which fistula did you come to see me?
-Is there a bitter end to the visible arc of Triumph?
-What is the colour of their Triumph?
-Has any regime ever dead reckoned the climate disaster?
-What do you eat for breakfast?
-Why is the Sinai Peninsula Russian?
-Is there a true South like the true North?
-Did you ever navigate on mystery?
-Have you ever reached your vanishing angle before tilting over?
-How is Farid?
-Was he also shot on the 28th of January?
-When was the Forecourt of human rights crowned by the Eiffel tower tilted by the French Police?
-Have you seen it?
-Who among you is able to catch the drift of the Post Covid new world order?
-In which direction does the Universal Machine tend to tilt?
-Do you understand or not understand, do you remember or forget, do you hate and love at the same time?
-Does your memory remember?
-Did the Groggy sail ghost into the doldrums?
- Were these doldrums as they said near the equator or near the unwanted oscillations?
- Where did the Groggy follow the fixed star around the horizon that would not rise or set?
-Does the rate of tilting vary as the Cosine of the Latitude roll over our heads?
-Have you been to Peru?
-Did you ever see a gyroscope drifting from above?
- Does your lifecycle drift entirely in a horizontal plane?
-Have I been drifting my life long over an ocean of unwanted oscillations?
- Even if I am not sitting on the equator, am I free from drifting at all?
-Did you ever feel sorrow for an octopus offset slightly to the east of vertical?
-What is your alibi at 3pm east when the gyre tilted over from the meridian?
-What does the number 4 contain? Did it entail that Saturn was running full tilt into your life?
-Why are we always guided by the true North?
-Did you still drift in your thoughts amidst the clouds of tear gas hovering over Cairo and then Paris?
-How did you take a tilt shot of tank crushed horizontal bodies during the Maspero events?
-Did you take pictures at the Coptic hospital morgue where they gathered the tank crushed bodies?
-It is a when. When would the dreadnought and assault ships of all meridians and latitude generals carry the load of shrouds to prevent our ship from tilting? When?
